The 2024 Rally was held at the Old Palace Green, Ely Cathedral on Saturday 3rd August which brought together an eclectic mix of classic vehicles spanning over 90 years of British and international motoring history.
On a pleasant August day, visitor numbers were impressive once again, voting boards were available for both adults and children to choose their favourite car on display, with the Mayor & Mayoress of Ely presenting rosettes to the winners and to the owner of their favourite car of the show, although rumour has it that they did not agree.
Public Vote: Toyota Mk1 MR2
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Children's Vote: The Pink Cadillac
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The Mayor & Mayoress' (not) Choice:
Vauxhall Cresta
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Club Committee Vote: Morgan 4/4
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The event raised vital funding for the Cambridgeshire Search and Rescue (CamSAR) organisation, through participant and public donations together with sales of second-hand jigsaws, CD's and books.
The club would like to thank all vehicle owners and their families for taking part; the City Council and Ely Cathedral for the use of the Palace Green; the Mayor and Mayoress for taking the time to present the winners rosettes; CamSAR for supporting us supporting them; and finally a huge thank you to all the visitors, without whom the show would not have been such a resounding success.